For the latest information, please visit our page at:

All of our CSEA members, both public and private, are on the front lines delivering necessary services to the citizens of our state every day.
As such, many of you have direct contact with the public every day. Some of our members are working to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, or may be in situations where potential exposure risks exist because of your work. We want you to know the facts and be diligent in following the established protocols.
CSEA has one of the finest Occupational Safety and Health Departments of any union across the country, and I have tasked them with providing you the most accurate information and resources. They have created a web site specifically dealing with Coronavirus and how it may impact you as workers. We are updating this site on a regular basis as the situation changes throughout our state.

For the latest information, please visit our page at:
I encourage all of you to follow best practices for you and your families and to be safe.
In Unionism,

Mary E. Sullivan

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